Businesses for Sale, Lease or Rent in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick
We also help businesses find partners, working capital, franchise opportunities or investment properties like apartment rentals, condos or farms and fishing operations. Call us toll free at 1 844 940 5927 or [email protected]
Atlantic Business Federation has partnered with the best licenced agents thru VR Business Brokers, licenced brokers and over 47 banks thru INVIS Canada to work with you not only in finding a business, but also in helping arrange financing and/or partnership and franchise opportunities that work for you and your family. We work with all local business, investors and immigrant investors. You tell us your needs and we will work to put all the pieces together. Whether selling or buying our motto is to provide
solutions that build business.
solutions that build business.
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PEI, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Businesses for Sale, lease or rent provides a meeting place for interested buyers and sellers.
As a potential buyer or investor, this website will provide you with a list of businesses whose owners are seeking someone to purchase, rent, lease or invest in their company or property. For additional details on any of the businesses listed in the categories below, please complete the Registration Form. Once registered, you will be listed (anonymously if desired) and your information will be available to any registered business. Also, you will gain full access to all the information listed by businesses seeking a purchaser or investor. Once you have registered as a buyer you will receive an email confirming your registration. You will then be able to search the database and contact the businesses directly. |
List Your Property or Brokerage |
DISCLAIMER (the "Site") serves as a venue for potential business buyers and sellers to obtain information and is for informational purposes only. The information, tools and material presented in the Site is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any business. No information in the Site regarding any businesses or potential business buyers or sellers is warranted or guaranteed by the Provinces of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick or its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, employees or representatives (collectively, the Atlantic Provinces) as to its completeness, accuracy, or fitness for a particular purpose, express or implied, and such information is subject to change without notice. Users of the Site are fully responsible for any damages or losses resulting from their use of the Site, including any purchase or sale of a business listed in the Site, and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Atlantic Business Federation from same. The information in the Site is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, whether appraisal, valuation, accounting, legal, or otherwise. Atlantic Business Federation is not a broker or licensed to act as a broker in any capacity and does not endorse, recommend or make any representations or warranties regarding the businesses or business buyers or sellers listed in the Site. (the "Site") serves as a venue for potential business buyers and sellers to obtain information and is for informational purposes only. The information, tools and material presented in the Site is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any business. No information in the Site regarding any businesses or potential business buyers or sellers is warranted or guaranteed by the Provinces of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick or its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, employees or representatives (collectively, the Atlantic Provinces) as to its completeness, accuracy, or fitness for a particular purpose, express or implied, and such information is subject to change without notice. Users of the Site are fully responsible for any damages or losses resulting from their use of the Site, including any purchase or sale of a business listed in the Site, and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Atlantic Business Federation from same. The information in the Site is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, whether appraisal, valuation, accounting, legal, or otherwise. Atlantic Business Federation is not a broker or licensed to act as a broker in any capacity and does not endorse, recommend or make any representations or warranties regarding the businesses or business buyers or sellers listed in the Site.